There has been a lot going on these days! I just officially became unemployed! I'm so happy. I was getting really tried of working in a bar, especially THAT bar, and am so relieved to be done. Its very nice to not have weekly repeated reminders of how gigantic I am getting. would think those people had never seen a pregnant woman before. It made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside to hear about how their niece or daughter is 2 months farther along than me but I'm SO much bigger than her! Thanks! I'm pregnant, what's your excuse, jack...never mind...:)
<----I cannot get a good picture these days to save my life. That may be partly because I never have pictures taken of me, and I probably get 'picture ready' about 2 days a week. Not too many photo ops right at the moment. I need to work on that.
You can see some of the belly in this picture. That's what I was going for! Also, this angle hides the double chin and huge butt quite nicely! Woo-hoo! Now if I could just add in a smile sometime...another thing on the to-do list. :) I'm almost 20 weeks now! Almost 1/2 way there! My big ultrasound will be on March 12th (or right around there anyway, I don't have the paper in front of me!) We are going to have another surprise. I definitely prefer it that way! I think its a boy!
He weaned, or rather, I weaned him, a bit over a month ago. I was ready. He was too. It didn't take much prodding and was pretty painless for all involved. Thank goodness. I know some people can do it, but I would not be cut out for nursing all the way through pregnancy, or nursing two kids after the baby is born.
He eats like a horse! He'll eat a cup of cereal for breakfast, then wait until his brothers are done with theirs and polish off their left-overs. I've never seen a kid so small eat so much! Its entertaining, to say the least. He eats more than Daniel, who is 4.5!
He's turning into such a little BOY, which I love. I can't believe he's going to be FIVE this summer. That's crazy to me. It really does go by fast. Unbelievable. He's very excited for the new baby, and thinks this summer will be the very best ever!
"In June it gets to be MY birthday, then in July the new BABY! Woo-hoo!"
He's a very logical kid. Last night we were reading Dr. Suess before bed. We read The Lorax. Looking at one of the pictures he noticed one green hand coming from one side of the page, and another coming from the other. "Mom, how does that guy have one hand right there, and the other WAY on the other side. He couldn't reach that far!"
He's very excited for a summer full of bike riding, swimming, boat rides, and playing in the tree house.
He loves coloring and drawing. Also a current like for both the big boys is Lincoln Logs! They love them! Isaiah is also the best sleeper. We finally got both the older boys going to bed like normal little boys, getting a book read, saying prayers, drink of water, hug and kiss, and going to sleep...on their own. It was a bad habit we'd formed ourselves before, laying with them until they fell asleep. I'm so glad to be done with it! It makes the nighttime routine so much easier. I still wouldn't have changed it though. I had YEARS of good cuddles with those two. Often times they'll still climb into bed with us in the early morning hours. I'm ok with that...for now. :)
So, I think that's it for the moment. Have I caught you up enough! I'll try, again to post more often. Not only for you guys, but for me. I forget the little things with so many of them to remember.
Hope everyone is doing well!